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Die Versammlung der Bäume of Silvian Sternhagel
Wandschmuck Opal  of Diane Russo

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title: Frau und Dorf in der Turkey
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:70 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
.  Frau und Dorf in der Turkey
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Gesichter von Frauen
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:70 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
.  Gesichter von Frauen
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Afrikanische Frauen
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:75 x 55 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
.  Afrikanische Frauen
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Frau
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:80 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Frau
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Sesameverkaufer
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:100 x 70 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Sesameverkaufer
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Armagedon
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:80 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Armagedon
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Alt İstanbul
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:80 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Alt İstanbul
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Mensch
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:80 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
.  Mensch
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Alter Man
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:80 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Alter Man
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Nomaden Frauen beim Brot machen
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:100 x 80 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Nomaden Frauen beim Brot machen
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Liebespaar
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:80 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
.  Liebespaar
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Vogel
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:90 x 40 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Vogel
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Utopische Trauer
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:90 x 40 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
.  Utopische Trauer
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Verbotene Frucht
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:90 x 80 cm
style: cubism
motif: people
. Verbotene Frucht
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Getrennte Familien
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:80 x 80 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Getrennte Familien
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Nachdenklich
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:70 x 50 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
.  Nachdenklich
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Tanzende Dervisch
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:85 x 75 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Tanzende  Dervisch
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Markos Antonius und Cleopatra
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:90 x 70 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Markos Antonius und Cleopatra
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Heiliger Fisher
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:80 x 60 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Heiliger Fisher
This is a presentation.

short description: .
title: Spatyom
artist: Ayseguel Goekdemir
size:90 x 80 cm
style: cubism
motif: Spirituelle-Kunst
. Spatyom
This is a presentation.

short description: .
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